Whether you plan to apply for RAMP recognition, or you just want a more comprehensive, data-driven school counseling program, we can help.
Our experienced school counseling consultants will partner with you and your school to help guide your team to being RAMP Ready through our online learning platform.
Three Levels
Base Camp

If you would like to try out the RAMP Ready system before you commit to Ascent or Summit, sign up for a free Base Camp account. Base Camp includes the first Module and a few of the tools you’ll find in Ascent and Summit so you can get a feel for how everything works. We’re happy to answer any questions you have while you’re looking around.
Start at any time

Ready to begin aligning your school counseling program with the ASCA National Model? Ascent helps school counselors learn ASCA’s National Model and its various components. From November through June, counselors learn the requirements and expectations of the National Model and shape their school counseling program to put in place components of the model. Users submit work and receive feedback with on-demand support available by email, phone, and virtual meetings.
November to June

For schools who are ready to learn and implement the ASCA National Model, and seek ASCA’s Recognized ASCA Model Program, or RAMP, award. Summit includes completion of the 6 month Ascent training then guides counselors through a subsequent full school year of implementation with “sherpa support” consisting of monthly checkpoints and feedback with on-demand support. Includes guidance on the RAMP application process.*
November to June + August – August
* ASCA recommends RAMP applications follow full implementation of a comprehensive school counseling program. Typically, it takes one entire academic year of program implementation to collect the data and information needed to fulfill the RAMP application requirements.
Not feeling quite ready to tackle the ASCA National Model?
Consider CORE Comprehensive Counseling!
Core is practical, uncomplicated, and easy to update year after year.
Why a Comprehensive School Counseling Program?
A 2011 study found a “moderate-to-strong relationship existing between a comprehensive school counseling program, as identified by the ASCA National Model, and school counselors’ job satisfaction.” (Comprehensive School Counseling Programs, Job Satisfaction, and the ASCA National Model, Jaymes R. Pyne, Professional School Counseling, 15:2 December 2011).
“School-wide proficiency rates in ELA and Math were significantly higher in RAMP elementary schools when compared with their elementary control schools.” (Comprehensive School Counseling Programs and Student Achievement Outcomes: A Comparative Analysis of RAMP versus Non-RAMP Schools, Kevin Wilkerson, Rachelle Pérusse, Ashley Hughes, Professional School Counseling, Vol 6 No 3)
Ask Aimee!
Director of School Counseling Initiatives Aimee Portteus can be reached by email or phone:
(317) 210-0161